AMPANS revalidates for the third consecutive time the EFQM 500+ European Seal of Excellence with a score that exceeds the previous one and approaches 600 points. It is thus consolidated among a very small group of organizations and companies with a quality assurance system recognized with this gold seal.
The Seal awarded by the Management Excellence Club on behalf of theEuropean Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) is a recognition of a trajectory of effort and constant improvement of wanting to make all work processes better every day, an organizational culture that provides a global vision to drive and stimulate continuous improvement, allowing organizations to understand the relationship that exists between what the organization does and the results it gets.
The EFQM is a non-profit foundation based in Brussels with more than 500 members in more than 55 countries. This foundation defines the EFQM Model of Quality and Excellence as a way for self-evaluation and the determination of continuous improvement processes in business and organizational environments, both public and private, and is a reference for companies and organizations in the European union.
According to the Director General of AMPANS, Toni Espinal, the renewal of the gold seal was a difficult challenge because the requirement to maintain this quality standard is increasingly high. AMPANS has renewed this seal in the gold category, achieving a better score in each edition. By Toni Espinal "success it is the result of the commitment of the AMPANS staff, the main asset of the entity, and is therefore a recognition of many years of work, promoting permanent improvement actions to achieve the mission of the entity in accompanying people with intellectual disabilities and in vulnerable situations".
It is the third time that AMPANS has obtained the EFQM 500+ seal, the 0r category. In 2015, he celebrated the milestone in an event attended by prominent figures from the business and economic spheres, such as the economist Xavier Sala i Martin, who highlighted AMPANS' ability to innovate, affirming verbatim what "ha invented a new model of social entity that in a few years many will imitate".
About the AMPANS foundation
AMPANES is a foundation with more than 800 professionals that works to promote the education, quality of life and employment of people with intellectual disabilities, mental illness and in situations of vulnerability, creating and managing centers, services, programs and supports In December 2019, the organization supported 2.334 people in special education school services, training, work, day care, therapeutic employment, residential care, leisure, sports and guardianship, promoting autonomy and equal opportunities.
Through AMPANS and through its support, more than 400 people with disabilities, mental illness and in a vulnerable situation have obtained an employment contract and have a job. In the labor field, he creates his own companies and services that employ more than 200 people in the gardening and garden sectors (Garden AMPANS), cleaning, manipulatives, graphic arts, environmental services, kiosks and food; in the latter sector through: supermarkets (franchised with Caprabo), restaurants (Canonge), cheese shop (Muntanyola cheeses) and vines (Urpina wines). He has recently launched an enclave in a company in the automotive sector in Bages. Finally, through the Placement Service, AMPANS has managed to enable 165 people to work in various companies in the region.
Its organizational management system is accredited with the ISO quality and EFQM 500+ European excellence models, and it was awarded the Mercè Sala Human Factor Award in 2017, for its values and its social contribution.